
Archive for the ‘Book Excerpt’ Category

I bought a new book over Christmas to help me master Search Engine Optimization, called “Content Rich:  Writing Your Way to Wealth on the Web” by Jon Wuebben.  Here is his website:  www.contentrichbook.com

I found a section of special interest to Marketing Introverts:

“We could even discuss personality difference between extroverted and introverted people.  If you think about it, the web essentially levels the playing field between them.  As the power of the written word has risen, so too has the effectiveness of the more introverted personality – people can communicate without ever seeing each other. …

“So, why does SEO content work?  Partially because an entire group of people, (20% of us apparently) who previously felt alienated in social business situations, can now “talk” to others in a way that never existed before.  … Before the internet, these people had a difficult time exerting any significant influence or power over business decision making.”

What an interesting observation… and a great reason for all Marketing Introverts to very quickly master Search Engine Optimization for their websites, blogs, social networking profiles, and internet article writing ventures!

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